Oct 21, 2011

gage BOO! session | whitehorse baby photographer

I think one of the things I miss the most about being a stay at home mom is that I used to craft ALL THE TIME. I remember making Hallowe'en costumes for Noah when he was small... he was a panda once with a giant, fat fuzzy head. I loved that costume. This little chap's mama is a girl after my own heart, having whipped together the most darling little Aviator Owl costume for his session. What a cutie pie! Totally loving the chest feathers & wings!

Now if you recall, I photographed Gage when he was only days old... and while he's grown a lot since that time, he still resembles the teeny tiny curled up newborn from what seems like forever ago!

So curious and SUCH a fun age! I know I keep repeating myself but seriously, I have the best. job. ever.

1 comment:

  1. Little heart breaker! Just like his Mommma :)
