I devoured the remainder of this title and was astonished (seriously! I never use that word but that's what happened) at the ending. I really don't like it when a novel either leaves you hanging at the end or the ending is just plain dumb. Not here. This ending was brutal, raw and intense. I never saw it coming. So good!
I give this story 4 out of 5 stars. I don't think I'd read it again now that the element of surprise is gone but I savored every page-turn and am super happy that I read it.

This is the other title I brought with me to Atlanta. Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda I read almost the whole thing on the flight from Utah to Atlanta. There were a few chapters left and on my first night in the hotel, I drew a deep, hot bubble bath and read this one until the tears were streaming down my face. The emotion was so immediate and the storyline addictive. I learned a few things about the culture in India and feel like I truly gained something from having read this novel. This one was a 5-star read, without a doubt. Loved it to pieces.

I LOVED Secret Daughter! You should also try Glass Houses and Sarah's Key - both were amazing!