Sep 30, 2010

danica | whitehorse children's photographer

Sometimes I get super lucky and have the chance to photograph babies who possess a timeless, classic type of beauty... just like this sweet darling, Danica. Her mama brought her out to the farm yesterday and even though we had to work our butts off for each and every smile, they weren't the expressions that were making me melt as I picked images for today's sneaks.

I love it when cautious babies take their time to warm up to new people (like me)...they give me such an honest look at how they percieve the world and those expressions are such a gift because upon second and subsequent meetings, I'm no longer a stranger and therefore cannot ever grab these thoughtful looks ever again.

These lovely bouncing curls stole my heart from the very second she arrived at my door. A sweet, sweet character who was a tough nut to crack but a joy to meet & photograph. Thanks for coming to my farm and spending the afternoon with me ladies!!

Sep 25, 2010

hunter & jaxson | whitehorse children's photographer

Wow, this weekend is just bursting with awesomeness. These guys were my subjects this afternoon and I can't get over the killer light & mood of the day. We did some ridiculous fun stuff and also this serious (delicious!) stuff. It was one heck of a full day but these two totally rocked it! Thanks for a killer afternoon guys!

big brother c & middle sister e | whitehorse children's photographer

What do you do with a day that is supposed to be Fall photos but Mother Nature has other snow? Easy. You take killer snow photos, that's what! I love brave parents who throw caution to the wind and just tough it out...and y'know, when everyone gets positive, the goodness just flows.

There was a blanked of snow on everything this morning and it showed no signs of stopping. I had one cancellation and thought that for sure the rest would follow suit...but no! This brave mama bundled up her kidlings and showed up eager and optimistic. Hooray for that!

We put chairs about in the snow, made silly faces and talked about birthdays and presents. How bad could it be? These guys were chatty, happy and just downright gorgeous. Big brother C did a heroic job of putting up with photos (which were more fun than he expected, I think).

They were super cooperative and easy-peasy. That's my kinda kid!! Yay!

And seriously, middle sister E (baby M is only 2 weeks old so he stayed bundled up in his carseat and sat this one out) gave me some pensive eyes and rocked it too. Of course. This family (I photographed their cousins last weekend) makes some pretty babies, I tell ya! Could this get any better? I think not. Thanks for a great, speedy and dynamite session, gang. You guys are rockstars! Happy birthday C & E!!

Photographing in the Snow

Okay, so there's this pesky white stuff EVERYwhere which is a huge departure from the golden leaves and long sunsets we has last weekend but that doesn't mean you can't get beautiful photos just the same. If you are photographing your kids, here are a few pointers. Cold kids are cranky kids so bundle 'em up. BUT. make sure they are still going to photograph well. Don't be afraid of color and LOTS of it!

Layers don't have to mean you look like the Michelin Man. For girls, if it isn't too cold try thick tights, tall warm boots (like Uggs), a knee length skirt, long sleeved shirt/hoodie, vest, scarf & touque. Pick one item with a print (like the skirt, for example) and pull solids from that print.

image courtesy of Maan
Same sort of thing goes for boys. We want everyone to be toasty warm but we still want to see them under all those clothes! But don't think for a minute that boys can't look just as awesome as the girls... boys clothing has come a looooong way and if you look around and borrow some trends from adult fashions, you can accomplish something like this. Of course, if it's super cold, grab a cool fur hat, some chunky knit mittens & scarf and you're off to the races.

image courtesy of Balloons UK.

Wanna know my secret for wrangling small people during a shoot so they stay put long enough for at least one great shot? Stick 'em in a chair *just* high enough that they won't bounce down and run away. I use a pair of beautiful red velvet antique chairs (with arms which is super handy with really little kids). The seat is kinda bouncy which is fun and the color is super rich and photographs really well. Plus with it being velvet, it's not slippery.

With your camera, remember all that snow is going to reflect light like crazy and could mess up all your shots if you don't watch your exposure (that is, if you're shooting manual). If you're rockin' a point & shoot, just pop it onto the shade setting (that's the one with the illustration of the house with the shadow falling off to one side) if it's snowing a little or just cloudy. If it's sunny, I would suggest either finding some shade or waiting. You'll be sad if you try to photograph in full sun. Yes it's beautiful outside but it sucks for photos. Your kids'll be squinty and you won't see their eyes in any of your photos. Plus, the snow will be way too white and it'll just wreck the whole thing. Shade is your friend. Trust me :)

Now all you have to do is just get outside, keep it fun and get creative. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so let's go!

Sep 20, 2010

t & c | whitehorse children's photographer

It was yet another bright, brisk fall morning and I was super excited to photograph these guys. We did photos earlier in the year when it was still snowy outside so we were indoors the whole time last time. It was WAY more fun to work outside. These guys LOVED all the space, the straw bales and after our session wrapped up, we piled into the truck to go visit our cows. It was a complete trip to the country for this family.

Sep 19, 2010

matthew | whitehorse children's photographer

Months ago I was asked to photograph these guys. My business was brand new and nobody knew me from a hole in the wall but this mom, Elke wanted to book me for fall photos as soon as possible. I wasn't sure how I was going to manage. They wanted a couple of family images which made me a little nervous because I really only photograph kids & babies but I figured if I can rock a maternity session, this isn't a whole lot different. The part that intimidated me the most wasn't the fact that the dad, Gerard is a Harley-ridin' biker...nope, that wasn't it. It wasn't that they are a French family and my French SUCKS... nope, that wasn't it either. Both Elke & Gerard are non-hearing. Their darling son, Matthew is a doozy of an interpreter! PHEW (plus Gerard is a rockstar at lipreading!! PHEW again!)

When I arrived at the Harley dealership, I was greeted with smiling faces (on all the burly biker men who all stuck around to watch the goings-on, I might add!), beautiful weather and a very charming & funny Gerard. Elke arrived with Matthew and we got right down to business. The temps were a bit chilly but the sun was warm and so was the company. We laughed lots, made some super fun photos and enjoyed a day in the sun downtown at the Harley dealership and also up at Fish Lake. All in all, it was one of the funnest (yep, that's a real my world it is, anyway) days I've had in a long time. Thanks for a great time guys :)

asher, kiran & aidan | whitehorse children's photographer

There's something extra, extra awesome about being given the opportunity to photograph the children of friends. One of my besties in the whole world is Tara and these three turkeys are her boys. I love these guys like family and photographing them was busy (because that's just how they roll) but I think I managed to grab a wee morsel of their personalities.
This session has been a long time coming and we waited patiently for the beautiful fall colors and boy, they didn't disappoint.

Sweet, sweet Ashie being his usual, charming heart-melting self... *sigh*

This would be Aidan pretending he's not SUPER excited about having his picture taken!

And really, what is there to say about this. This is Kiran being Kiran. So stinkin' cute.

And last but not least, we have Ned. He's the family dog and he is loved so dearly. He's a massive, hairy, sweet & affectionate (did I mention massive?) dog. I think Neddy is pretty great. I love dogs and taking his photo was the cherry on the cake of my day.
♥ Thanks gang!

Sep 18, 2010

jack & haiden | whitehorse children's photographer

The last time I photographed these two, it was FREEZING outside and it was the first time we'd met... which often means that I only get a small fraction of who each kid is in their session. This time, however, they let 'er rip and brough the crazy in a wonderful, wacky way. There is a sweet bond these brothers share that makes me wonder if my kids are the only boys on earth who scrap like sworn enemies... Never mind that, can we all agree that Jack (the wink-er) is a silly goose and big brother Haiden is a sharp looking young man? Yeah, I think we can.

Thanks for a fun and busy session guys!

jenna, hannah, meghan & matthew | whitehorse children's photographer

I ♥ morning sessions! The light is just dreamy and everyone is full of what my granny would call "vim and vigor".

Back in February, I met this family to photograph their newest addition (Jenna) and her next-in-line big sister, Hannah. It was a fun & entertaining session which included loads of laughter so when they booked another session for all four siblings in the fall, I was pretty tickled. Four kids is a pretty decent sized group to wrangle and well, if you know me at all, you know I LOVE a good challenge.

We got the group stuff outta the way before social politics started to interfere but shortly afterward, we got some doozies of each sibling on their own. This lovely young man, Matthew is the oldest of the four and the only boy. Sorely outnumbered but charming as heck anyway!

This little Miss Hannah was having the best time EVER with the dandelion puffs. Favorite toddler/preschooler and overall kid thing to do in my fields :)

Even though at the early hour we were shooting, this tractor wheel was CHILLY (and her biscuits were freezing) Meghan rocked this shot and I think that this has got to be one of my most favorite shots of the day.

and finally, we have the darling Jenna. The baby. I photographed her when she was only a few weeks old and now she's such a big girl!

I must say, this job is so fulfilling. I love watching my clients' kids grow up and blossom into their own unique personalities. It's so fun capturing their own magical sparkle and creating images like these for their families to enjoy forever. Thanks so much for coming out to my farm, guys!

Sep 16, 2010

introducing sophia | whitehorse children's photographer

This wee darling was NOT in the mood for photos the day we first tried...but we picked a new day which was full of beautiful light, warm temps and a very fun group (all of whom are SWORN TO SECRECY as to the crazy antics that we were involved in, all for the sake of a smile!)

Miss Sophia decided that today was totally the day to bust out the sweet faces & smiles which kept my shutter going steady throughout our entire session!

I'm so glad you guys were able to come back out to do these photos! I ♥ them and I know you will too.

I should tell you that I've been saving this prop below for the PERFECT baby session. Turns out this was it. I came to own this bad boy from a client of mine. I love some of the treasures hiding in peoples' garages!!

Sep 12, 2010

baby v & big sister a | whitehorse children's photographer

I've been photographing so many boys lately that these two darling girls were SUCH a breath of fresh air. They welcomed me into their home this afternoon which, much to my delight was DRENCHED in light. Yeah!

We visited the park where the trees were proudly displaying their leaves in gorgeous shades of yellow and orange which set the stage for some stellar images of Miss V (who was killin' me with those denim blue peepers) and her fantastically pensive & charming big sister, V - who, incidentally is the same age as my Sethy so the conversation was nothing short of easy.

A and I discussed the finer points of life such as whether her teacher was fun and who was being invited to her Pirates & Princesses birthday party next week. Yep. That's the stuff that makes an almost-six-year-old's world go 'round. I couldn't stop taking A's photo. She has the most delicious brown eyes and honestly, they're like glossy morsels of chocolate magic. Perfect.

Of course, with mommy & daddy there, who could resist this setup? Certainly not me!

I ♥ happy families. They're run by happy grownups which can't help but make happy kidlets & babes. A day full of happiness is my kinda day and a happy family is my kinda family. Thanks guys!!

Sep 11, 2010

introducing gage | whitehorse children's photographer

Y'know, there's just something extra extra special about being invited into a home of a family adjusting to the arrival of a new little one. The magic of parents getting to know their precious babe fills the air and I always leave the session with my heart feeling a whole lot fuller.

This incredible, charming (and very funny) family has just welcomed the much-anticipated arrival of their first baby, a boy who they called Gage. He has a head full of hair, sparkly eyes and of course those nummy little baby toes :)

He got to take a bunch of new props for a spin but his cuteness TOTALLY outshines any prop on earth. He has that soft, sweet smelling skin - and fuzzy shoulders too, which I loooooooooove and is just snuggly and warm. Mmmm... I sure love babies.

This is probably my favorite photo from the entire session. You know why? it's the moment between the moments. It's so natural, honest and beautiful. What a gift this little man is. ♥

Sep 10, 2010

zephyr & mannix | whitehorse children's photographer

Could my job possibly get any better? I think not. I met the AWESOMEST (yes, in my world, that's a word!) kids. Ever. Best names. Ever. Coolest mama. Ever.

It has been raining cats & dogs here STEADY for the last few weeks. The weather broke last Saturday just in time for Mini Sessions but it picked right back up again in time for these guys' original session. We only rescheduled once and today (thank the weather gods) it was warm, no breeze and nary a drop of rain as long as we were shooting.

Mister Zephyr is one BUSY dude but in all his busy-ness, his clever mama talked him into some very mellow and darling activities like balancing along this log out in the field at our farm.

Of course, I have yet to meet a little boy who can resist the urge to chuck rocks into our creek...which honestly, I count on during outdoor sessions at The Farm...and these guys did NOT disappoint! Cuteness for all!

Wee Mannix was a vision of cuteness... I only wish I could have shared a recording of his STELLAR jibber-jabber (complete with copious drool bubbles! YEAH!) These two were so fun, I was sad when our session ended. I could've hung out with them all day. Did I mention already how I love my job?? Thanks for a super fun afternoon guys! Can't wait to do it again!

Sep 6, 2010

hugh | whitehorse children's photographer

There are few things these days that kick-start my mojo like waking up to a day of gorgeous weather and a schedule FULL of photo sessions!! Yeah!

On Saturday, I held my first annual Fall Leaves mini-sessions and this young man was one of my darling subjects. His fair skin, fuzzy blond hair and piercing blue eyes stole my heart and I'm tellin' ya, I could've stayed outside with him and my camera ALL DAY!!

His fascination with the camera paired with the squeaky toy mom & dad brought along made for some killer images. So without further ado, I'd like you to meet the one and only... Hugh!

Sep 5, 2010

marcus & curtis | whitehorse children's photographer

There's just something special and unique about the bond that brothers share. These two are certainly no exception. The big brother, Marcus possessed a devilish grin and a cheeky streak to match... made for some hilarous faces and lots of laughing... Then there's baby-brother Curtis. What a sweet little boy! He was blond haired, blue eyed and charming as can be. A wonderful way to start my weekend.

Sep 3, 2010

allison | whitehorse maternity photographer

Allison is expecting her first child later this month. As with all my maternity clients, I was excited to share the elation & anticipation that all new parents radiate and I was looking forward to recording this special time for her and her husband, Constable Michael Potvin. When I heard the news of a terrible accident on the Stewart River involving an RCMP member, my heart broke. My husband and I cried every time we read in the paper as details were released. Allison's beloved Mike had drowned.

I knew it was going to be hard but I wanted to encourage Allison to go ahead with her maternity photos. They weren't going to be how she imagined but they are beautiful, they celebrate life & strength and they honor Mike's love for his wife & child.

Never in my life have I met a woman who is more sure of herself, more surrounded by love and more capable of bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders. She is, without a doubt, the strongest woman I have ever known. It was a privelege to photograph her and help her celebrate the upcoming arrival of her baby.

Much of our session was spent laughing. Honest, genuine laughing. There was joy. There was celebration. We had an afternoon full of goodness and love.

I have the honor of photographing her new baby once HE arrives (yes, it's a boy!) so stay tuned to meet this sweet little one.

A big shout-out to Kerri at Main Designs for hookin' my girl Allison up with some KILLER hair too! Wow, you guys know how to tag-team on making a very pregnant gal feel like a total queen! Thanks :)