Okay, so there's this pesky white stuff EVERYwhere which is a huge departure from the golden leaves and long sunsets we has last weekend but that doesn't mean you can't get beautiful photos just the same. If you are photographing your kids, here are a few pointers. Cold kids are cranky kids so bundle 'em up. BUT. make sure they are still going to photograph well. Don't be afraid of color and LOTS of it!
Layers don't have to mean you look like the Michelin Man. For girls, if it isn't too cold try thick tights, tall warm boots (like Uggs), a knee length skirt, long sleeved shirt/hoodie, vest, scarf & touque. Pick one item with a print (like the skirt, for example) and pull solids from that print.

Same sort of thing goes for boys. We want everyone to be toasty warm but we still want to see them under all those clothes! But don't think for a minute that boys can't look just as awesome as the girls... boys clothing has come a looooong way and if you look around and borrow some trends from adult fashions, you can accomplish something like this. Of course, if it's super cold, grab a cool fur hat, some chunky knit mittens & scarf and you're off to the races.

Wanna know my secret for wrangling small people during a shoot so they stay put long enough for at least one great shot? Stick 'em in a chair *just* high enough that they won't bounce down and run away. I use a pair of beautiful red velvet antique chairs (with arms which is super handy with really little kids). The seat is kinda bouncy which is fun and the color is super rich and photographs really well. Plus with it being velvet, it's not slippery.
With your camera, remember all that snow is going to reflect light like crazy and could mess up all your shots if you don't watch your exposure (that is, if you're shooting manual). If you're rockin' a point & shoot, just pop it onto the shade setting (that's the one with the illustration of the house with the shadow falling off to one side) if it's snowing a little or just cloudy. If it's sunny, I would suggest either finding some shade or waiting. You'll be sad if you try to photograph in full sun. Yes it's beautiful outside but it sucks for photos. Your kids'll be squinty and you won't see their eyes in any of your photos. Plus, the snow will be way too white and it'll just wreck the whole thing. Shade is your friend. Trust me :)
Now all you have to do is just get outside, keep it fun and get creative. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so let's go!