I am offering a limited number of spaces for models to participate in this event. There is no cost to you to participate and you will be compensated for your time with one 8x10 print. You will also get a small online gallery to view which you and your parents can order products from.
What you can expect is a 30 minute session (location TBA) with hair & makeup provided. I'm still looking for someone who we can team up with to do hair & makeup so if anyone has any good leads, please share!! You can wear two outfits (one can be your grad dress if you like) and be as creative and varied as possible so your photos capture the TRUE YOU! The cap & gown has its place but these photos are intended to show off how awesome you are.
You will have to have your parents sign a model release as these images will be used in future marketing materials.
Because I am looking for a very specific style in these images so I can't guarantee that all applicants will be invited to participate but don't let that stop you from applying. This opportunity is only for High School Senior Girls (sorry fellas!). If you know someone who you think might be interested in this opportunity, please pass the info on.

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