Before I even dive into the sheer frilly awesome girliness of this post, first let me say that I have the sweetest husband in the world. Together, he and I run our family sod farm and he's our trusty delivery driver (among MANY other things). Well, earlier this summer, he was delivering a load of sod to a customer (who ended up being one of his pals from high school) who just *happens* to have three gorgeous little girls...and Ray being Ray was literally gushing about my photography to his friend. So his friend's wife emailed me later that day and it was only a handful of days till I managed to squeeze them in for a session before their newest baby girl was big! This day was such a fun and rewarding session...and it was so sweet to hear from my clients about the wonderful things the Hubs was saying about my art. What a gift. I feel so fortunate to be able to do what I do and to share it with others who really *GET* it!!
So without any more waiting, here are those lovely ladies in all their sparkly feminine glory!

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